arXiv List
  • A high-speed avalanche photodiode

    Li Bin(李彬), Yang Xiaohong(杨晓红), Yin Weihong(尹伟红), Lü Qianqian(吕倩倩), Cui Rong(崔荣), and Han Qin(韩勤)Ž

    JOSarXiv.202112.0006     (Submitted on 2022-11-08)

    Abstract(702) PDF (26)

    High-speed avalanche photodiodes are widely used in optical communication systems. Nowadays, separate absorption charge and multiplication structure is widely adopted. In this article, a structure with higher speed than separate absorption charge and multiplication structure is reported. Besides the traditional absorption layer, charge layer and multiplication layer, this structure introduces an additional charge layer and transit layer and thus can be referred to as separate absorption, charge, multiplication, charge and transit structure. The introduction of the new charge layer and transit layer brings additional freedom in device structure design. The benefit of this structure is that the carrier transit time and device capacitance can be reduced independently, thus the 3 dB bandwidth could be improved by more than 50% in contrast to the separate absorption charge and multiplication structure with the same size.

  • High bandwidth highly reconfigurable photonic RF Hilbert transformers using Kerr micro-combs

    David Moss

    JOSarXiv.202206.0005     (Submitted on 2022-06-20)

    Abstract(736) PDF (18)

    We experimentally demonstrate bandwidth-tunable RF photonic Hilbert transformer based on an integrated Kerr micro-comb source. The micro-comb is generated by an integrated micro-ring resonator with a free spectral range of 48.9 GHz, yielding 75 micro-comb lines in the telecom C-band. By programming and shaping the generated comb lines according to calculated tap weights, we demonstrate high-speed Hilbert transform functions with tunable bandwidths ranging from 1.2 GHz to 15.3 GHz, switchable center frequencies from baseband to 9.5 GHz, and arbitrary fractional orders. The experimental results show good agreement with theory and confirm the effectiveness of our approach.

  • RF and microwave photonic signal processing and generation using optical micro-combs

    David Moss

    JOSarXiv.202206.0002     (Submitted on 2022-06-17)

    Abstract(574) PDF (31)

    We demonstrate a radio frequency (RF) phase-encoded signal generator as well as a user-defined RF arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) based on a soliton crystal micro-comb generated by an integrated MRR with a free spectral range of ~49 GHz. Owing to the soliton crystal’s robust and stable generation as well as the high intrinsic efficiency, RF phase-encoded signal generators and AWGs with simple operation and fast reconfiguration are realized. The soliton crystal micro-comb provides 60 wavelengths for RF phase-encoded signal generators, achieving a phase encoding speed of 5.95 Gb/s and a high pulse compression ratio of 29.6. Over 80 wavelengths are employed for the AWGs, achieving tunable square waveforms with a duty cycle ratio ranging from 10% to 90%, sawtooth waveforms with tunable slope ratios from 0.2 to 1, and symmetric concave quadratic chirp waveforms. Our system has great potential to achieve RF and microwave photonic signal generation and processing with low cost and footprint.

  • Fully-integrated multipurpose microwave frequency identification system on a single chip

    Yuhan Yao, Yuhe Zhao, Yanxian Wei, Feng Zhou, Daigao Chen, Yuguang Zhang, Xi Xiao, Ming Li, Jianji Dong, Shaohua Yu, Xinliang Zhang

    JOSarXiv.202202.0002     (Submitted on 2022-02-18)

    Abstract(528) PDF (39)

    We demonstrate a fully-integrated multipurpose microwave frequency identification system on silicon-on-insulator platform. Thanks to the multipurpose features, the chip is able to identify different types of microwave signals, including single-frequency, multiple-frequency, chirped and frequency-hopping microwave signals, as well as discriminate instantaneous frequency variation among the frequency-modulated signals. This demonstration exhibits fully integrated solution and fully functional microwave frequency identification, which can meet the requirements in reduction of size, weight and power for future advanced microwave photonic processor.

  • Ultra low dark count InGaAsInP Single photon avalanche diodee

    Bin Li, Yuxiu Niu, Yinde Feng, Xiaomei Chen

    JOSarXiv.202112.0005     (Submitted on 2022-01-07)

    Abstract(602) PDF (30)

    A low noise InGaAs/InP single photon avalanche diode is demonstrated. The device is based on planar type separate absorption, grading, charge and multiplication structure. Relying on reasonably designed device structure and low-damage Zn diffusion technology, excellent low-noise performance is achieved. Due to its importance, the physical mechanism of dark count is analyzed through performance characterization at different temperatures. The device can achieve 20% single photon detection efficiency and 3.2E-7/ns dark count rate with a low after pulsing probability of 0.57% at 233K. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the lowest DCR reported at the same condition.

  • Photonic Radio Frequency Channelizers based on Kerr Micro-combs and Integrated Micro-ring Resonators

    Mengxi Tan, Xingyuan Xu, Jiayang Wu, Thach G. Nguyen, Sai T. Chu, Brent E. Little, Roberto Morandotti, Arnan Mitchell, and David J. Moss

    JOSarXiv.202010.0002     (Submitted on 2020-10-26)

    Abstract(651) PDF (48)

    We review recent work on broadband RF channelizers based on integrated optical frequency Kerr micro-combs combined with passive micro-ring resonator filters, with microcombs having channel spacings of 200GHz and 49GHz. This approach to realizing RF channelizers offers reduced complexity, size, and potential cost for a wide range of applications to microwave signal detection.

  • Orthogonally polarized RF optical single sideband generation with integrated ring resonators

    Mengxi Tan, Xingyuan Xu, Jiayang Wu, Thach G. Nguyen, Sai T. Chu, Brent E. Littl, Arnan Mitchell, Roberto Morandotti, and David J. Moss

    JOSarXiv.202010.0001     (Submitted on 2020-10-22)

    Abstract(2134) PDF (36)

    We review recent work on narrowband orthogonally polarized optical RF single sideband generators as well as dual-channel equalization, both based on high-Q integrated ring resonators. The devices operate in the optical telecommunications C-band and enable RF operation over a range of either fixed or thermally tuneable frequencies. They operate via TE/TM mode birefringence in the resonator. We achieve a very large dynamic tuning range of over 55 dB for both the optical carrier-to-sideband ratio and the dual-channel RF equalization for both the fixed and tunable devices.