TOPIC> Physics Materials and Devices of Conventional Semiconductors

Alloy fluctuating in hole mobility limiting the use of Si1-xGex channel for nanoscale PMOS

Gang Wang, Juan Lv, Hongjuan Wang, Xiang-Wei Jiang*, Jun-Wei Luo*, and Shu-Shen Li

  • State Key Laboratory of Superlattices and Microstructures, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 

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Abstract: The potential fluctuations from individual impurities in a MOSFET was recognized as being an important factor that degrades the nanoscale transistors, requiring to control the positioning of these impurities to improve the reproducibility and reliability. In this paper, we study the fluctuations in the hole mobility arising from the randomly placing of Si and Ge atoms within the SiGe channel, which is considering to replace the silicon channel in an attempt to boost the hole mobility due to Ge offering four times higher hole mobility than Si. We conclude that (i) the hole mobility fluctuates in a large range (as large as 100%) among distinct arrangements of Si and Ge atoms within the 9 nm scale SiGe channel, (ii) arising mainly from the switching of band order and admixture between heavy-hole and light-hole bands, (iii) that in turn causes fluctuations in off current Ioff and threshold voltage Vth, and makes reproducibility a challenge for SiGe to be a Si channel replacement for nanoscale PMOS.

Key words: MOSFET; Si1-xGex alloy channel; hole mobility

Cite as: JOSarXiv.202001.0001

Recommended references: Gang Wang, Juan Lv, Hongjuan Wang, Xiang-Wei Jiang*, Jun-Wei Luo*, and Shu-Shen Li . (2020). Alloy fluctuating in hole mobility limiting the use of Si1-xGex channel for nanoscale PMOS. [JOSarXiv.202001.0001]   (Copy)

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Manuscript published: 02 January 2020

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